On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Klavs Klavsen <k...@vsen.dk> wrote:
> Baptiste wrote on 02/05/2015 04:44 PM:
> [CUT]
>> 3000 req/s in clear is low and a so rounded number is not normal :)
>> Move (far far) away from this provider.
>> You're wasting your time investigating perfomance issue while the
>> limitation is in the hypervisor and multitenancy of your supplier.
> it's running on vmware 5.5 on local hardware - nowhere else to go :(
> If I set haproxy to just send a 301 response (ie. not relay to varnish
> delivering the favicon.ico) - I get approx 15k req/s..

this is very low.... We can get more than 50K conn/s in our VMWare lab
using our HAProxy based ALOHA appliance.
you must have an issue somwhere.


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