Hi haproxy-list!

I've got 3 active haproxy servers (multiple ip dns rr + keepalived)
fronting 15 backend-servers. The haproxies have a combined session
rate at ~10-14k, at ~500mbps. We have a low latency application which
does programmatic bidding/buying, where every ms counts, thus
CPU-utilization is very important factor in keeping it down. We are
setting a CPU affinity mask to the process to keep it pinned to a
single core, and in haproxy 1.4.25 it uses about 40-50% CPU.

Yesterday i upgraded haproxy from 1.4.25 to 1.5.11 and noticed
increased CPU-usage, which caused problems for us.

Here is CPU metrics graph from yesterday, upgrade to 1.5 took place
before 12, and I downgraded to 1.4 in the evening:
http://imgur.com/jrVvHlw . This increase represent going from 40-50%
CPU to 94-100%.

Here's also some contextual weekly graph of the same metric:

Finally, here's a version of our config (i've changed
names/ips/passwords, but nothing else):

I did see something in the graphs regarding fd_inuse:
http://imgur.com/hTEOfMq but I'm uncertain as what to make of it. As
said, the same config runs smoothly with haproxy 1.4.

I have not been able to reproduce the behavior in my lab-environment,
and I would very much appreciate pointers as how to troubleshoot this
further, and where to look. I have a feeling that haproxy 1.5 have
default values which I've not taken into consideration that might
cause this. Please advice! :-)

Best regards
Björn Zettergren

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