
No HAProxy won't do this.
Instead, if you could explain us clearly what is your problem, we may
be able to help you.
For now you just explain what you tried to achieve.


On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Abdelouahed Haitoute
<ahaito...@rinis.nl> wrote:
> I think I've found the issue. During test, I'm visiting a hostname 
> http://example/. But the acl condition req.hdr_ip(host) will only work if I  
> visit
> Is it possible to let haproxy resolve the domain name and then check the IP 
> address?
>> Op 29 mrt. 2015, om 14:04 heeft Abdelouahed Haitoute <ahaito...@rinis.nl> 
>> het volgende geschreven:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to route http-requests based on destination IP address. I've got 
>> the following configuration, but unfortunately its not working:
>> frontend proxy :3128
>>       acl host_destip req.hdr_ip(host)
>>       use_backend a if host_destip
>>       default_backend b
>> I'm expecting all http-traffic with destination IP address to go 
>> to backend a, but its using the default_backend.
>> Any help is welcome.

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