On Fri, 03 Apr 2015 11:10:31 +0200, Baptiste wrote:

> I mean what happens if you point your browser directly to one of the Ip
> address?
> Cause, what you're doing with your HAProxy configuration currently, is
> only forwarding the TCP connection from a browser client to a socks5
> server.
> If your browser client don't know how to speak to the socks5 server,
> HAProxy won't do it on behalf of it.
> So please confirm first the browser can use any of the listed IP without
> using HAProxy.

Because these all are * free * socks5 proxy servers found on the 
internet, the stability cann't be ensured.  Some of them can be used to 
let my browser directly access the internet, some may not; or if do the 
test in different time, the one cann't becomes good, and vice versa.  
Based on the above fact, I want to use all of them in one group of the 
backend of haproxy to get the redundancy and the loadbalance capability.  
The only issue for my case it that I want let haproxy to determine the 
correspoing server are up or down at the specific port and then direct me 
the up ones at the testing time done by haproxy.


> Then we'll dig into your issue...
> Baptiste

.: Hongyi Zhao [ hongyi.zhao AT gmail.com ] Free as in Freedom :.

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