
without -k, HAProxy spends its time to compute TLS keys.
Can you run 'openssl speed rsa2048' and report here the number?
My guess is that it shouldn't be too far from 400 :)


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Phil Daws <> wrote:
> Hello Baptiste:
> we were seeing lower tps from a remote system to the front-end LB hence 
> trying to exclude client side issues by using the LB interface.  Yes, when we 
> use '-k', we do see a huge difference but its interesting that we pretty much 
> always get 390 tps for a single core, and when we go to nbproc 2 then 780.
> Appreciate the input Baptiste & Lukas.
> Thanks, Phil.
> ----- On 18 Jun, 2015, at 14:15, Baptiste wrote:
>> Phil,
>> First, use '-k' option on ab to keep connections alive on ab side.
>> From a pure benchamrk point of view, using the loopback is useless!
>> Furthermore if all VMs are hosted on the same hypervisor.
>> You won't be able to get any accurate conclusion from your test,
>> because the injector VM is impacting the HAProxy VM, which migh be
>> mutually impacted the server VMs...
>> Baptiste
>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Phil Daws <> wrote:
>>> Hello Lukas:
>>> Path is as follows:
>>> Internet -> HAProxy [Frontend:443 -> Backend:80] -> 6 x NGINX
>>> Yeah, unfortunately due to the application behind NGINX our benchmarking 
>>> has to
>>> be without keep-alives :(
>>> Thanks, Phil
>>> ----- On 18 Jun, 2015, at 13:38, Lukas Tribus wrote:
>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>> Hello all:
>>>>> we are rolling out a new system and are testing the SSL performance with
>>>>> some strange results. This is all being performed on a cloud hypervisor
>>>>> instance with the following:
>>>> You are saying nginx listens on 443 (SSL) and 80, and you connect to those
>>>> ports directly from ab. Where in that picture is haproxy?
>>>>> Have tried adding the option prefer-last-server but that did not make a
>>>>> great deal of difference. Any thoughts please as to what could be wrong ?
>>>> Without keepalive it won't make any difference. Enable keepalive with ab 
>>>> (-k).
>>>> Lukas
>>> (null)
> (null)

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