You need to run haproxy as root to bind to ports lower than 1024
On 25/07/2015 1:36 PM, "Tim Dunphy" <> wrote:

> Hi Yuan,
> Nice.
>> Do you use selinux in prod.
>> regards,
>> ; Yuan
> Yep! Actually I use it every chance I get. Prod/stage/dev and my own hobby
> environments. And right now actually what I was discussing was a hobby
> environment.
> And actually if I could bother you guys one more time, I do have one more
> issue to solve. LOL
> And this time it's guaranteed not to be an SELinux issue. Because I tried
> running haproxy with SELInux on and off this time.
> But what's happening now, is that HA/Proxy is not creating the http port
> for the 'stats' interface. I've setup stats to listen on port 80. But for
> some reason that's not happening.
> Here's my config one more time, with the trouble part in bold:
> global
>     log local0 notice
>     user haproxy
>     group haproxy
> defaults
>     log global
>     retries 2
>     timeout connect 3000
>     timeout server 5000
>     timeout client 5000
> listen mysql-cluster
>     bind
>     mode tcp
>     option mysql-check user haproxy_check
>     balance roundrobin
>     server mysql-1 check
>     server mysql-2 check
> *listen <>    mode http    stats enable
> stats uri /    stats realm Strictly\ Private    stats auth admin:secret*
> Currently haproxy is listening on the first port specified* - 3306 - *but
> not listening on port 80.
> Observe:
> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #lsof -i :3306
> *haproxy 11653 haproxy    4u  IPv4 7145270      0t0  TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)*
> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #lsof -i :80
> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #
> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #telnet localhost 80
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
> Port 80 simply isn't listening.
> And this time, I can't blame it on SELinux being on:
> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #getenforce
> Permissive
> I've grepped thru /var/log/messages but not turned up any clues to this
> one.
> And I really would like to get the stats interface up and running.
> Any thoughts here? I'm wondering what I can do to get stats working.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:52 PM, Gmail <> wrote:
>> Nice.
>> Do you use selinux in prod.
>> regards,
>> ; Yuan
>> On 07/25/2015 09:17 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>>> Bingo!!!
>>> The problem was with SELinux. Not sure what took me so long to think of
>>> it...!!!
>>> So set the mysql listener back to port 3306. Turned off SELinux with
>>> setenforce 0. Then it started right up!!! And port 3306 was listening.
>>> Then I consulted with audit2why and saw the following:
>>> type=AVC msg=audit(1437786617.963:28856863): avc:  denied  {
>>> name_connect }
>>> for  pid=29175 comm="haproxy" dest=3306
>>> scontext=system_u:system_r:haproxy_t:s0
>>> tcontext=system_u:object_r:mysqld_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket
>>>          Was caused by:
>>>          The boolean haproxy_connect_any was set incorrectly.
>>>          Description:
>>>          Allow haproxy to connect any
>>>          Allow access by executing:
>>>          # *setsebool -P haproxy_connect_any 1*
>>> I just ran that command you see above in bold, and then all was right
>>> with
>>> the world.
>>> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #systemctl status haproxy
>>> haproxy.service - HAProxy Load Balancer
>>>     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service; disabled)
>>>     Active: active (running) since Sat 2015-07-25 01:14:53 UTC; 33s ago
>>>   Main PID: 30618 (haproxy-systemd)
>>>     CGroup: /system.slice/haproxy.service
>>>             ├─30618 /usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f
>>> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/
>>>             ├─30619 /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p
>>> /run/ -Ds
>>>             └─30620 /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p
>>> /run/ -Ds
>>> Jul 25 01:14:53 ha1 systemd[1]: Starting HAProxy Load Balancer...
>>> Jul 25 01:14:53 ha1 systemd[1]: Started HAProxy Load Balancer.
>>> Jul 25 01:14:53 ha1 haproxy-systemd-wrapper[30618]:
>>> haproxy-systemd-wrapper: executing /usr/sbin/haproxy -f
>>> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/ -Ds
>>> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #lsof -i :3306
>>> haproxy 30620 haproxy    1u  IPv4 7075172      0t0  TCP
>>> (SYN_SENT)
>>> haproxy 30620 haproxy    4u  IPv4 7074731      0t0  TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)
>>> Thanks for nudging me in the right direction. All I had to hear was the
>>> word 'selinux' and from there it all fell into place!
>>> Thanks!!
>>> Tim
>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Gmail <> wrote:
>>>  I could be completely wrong here and I am curious to know the answer
>>>> myself. Please don't take this as a solution, just my thoughts.
>>>> First, you can not use backend ip-address of 10.x.x.x subnet because
>>>> each
>>>> account's VPC is seggregated. If you do want to use 10.X.X.X ipadress
>>>> you
>>>> have to setup a inter VPC endpoint in AWS. I would just use EIP.
>>>> For the port 3306, try to use nc to listen on that port or iperf. Do yo
>>>> uhave iptables turned on.
>>>> I would check "systemctl -l status haproxy.service"
>>>> I would check lsof -i why can't bind to 3306 on loopback ipaddress.
>>>> I would check iptables or selinux preventing the bind.
>>>> It wil be interesting to know the source ipaddress of MySQL client ec2
>>>> instance.
>>>> Interesting if you can Copy/paste output of "telnet
>>>> <haproxynode_ipaddress> 3306" from mysql client ec2 instance , here.
>>>> Interesting if you can  Copy/paste output of "telnet 3306"
>>>> from haproxy ec2 instances, here.
>>>> Interesting if you can  Copy/paste output of "telnet 3306"
>>>> from haproxy ec2 instances, here.
>>>> I I was doing this, maybe I would consider testing something like ;
>>>> ..
>>>> frontend mysql_lb_fe
>>>> ....
>>>> acl host_myql_lb hdr(host) -i mysql-lb
>>>> ..
>>>> ..
>>>> use_backend mysql_lb_backend if host mysql_lb
>>>> ..
>>>> ..
>>>> backend  mysql_lb_be
>>>> ..
>>>> ..
>>>> option mysql-check user haproxy_check
>>>>       balance roundrobin
>>>>       server mysql-1 check
>>>>       server mysql-2 check
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ; Yuan
>>>> On 07/25/2015 06:41 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>>>>  Hello Nenad,
>>>>>      Jul 24 03:44:18 ha1 haproxy-systemd-wrapper[25034]: [ALERT]
>>>>>             204/034418 (25035) : *Starting proxy mysql-cluster: cannot
>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>            s...:3306]*
>>>>>>  Nothing listening on the port I'm trying to bind to: 3306
>>>>> [root@ha1:~] #ss -lpt | fgrep 3306
>>>>> [root@ha1:~] #lsof -i :3306
>>>>> [root@ha1:~] #netstat -tulpn | grep -i listen | grep 3306
>>>>> [root@ha1:~] #
>>>>> While we're on the subject of listening ports, here's a list of all
>>>>> listening ports on the haproxy host:
>>>>> [root@ha1:~] #netstat -tulpn | grep -i listen
>>>>> tcp        0      0 *
>>>>> LISTEN      -
>>>>> tcp        0      0 *
>>>>> LISTEN      16346/rpc.statd
>>>>> tcp        0      0   *
>>>>> LISTEN      16455/rpcbind
>>>>> tcp        0      0    *
>>>>> LISTEN      16396/sshd
>>>>> tcp6       0      0 :::49349                :::*
>>>>> LISTEN      16346/rpc.statd
>>>>> tcp6       0      0 :::111                  :::*
>>>>> LISTEN      16455/rpcbind
>>>>> tcp6       0      0 :::47314                :::*
>>>>> LISTEN      -
>>>>> tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*
>>>>> LISTEN      16396/sshd
>>>>> I thought I was beginning to understand this problem. That haproxy was
>>>>> trying to bind on port 3306 from the mysql host on another machine. But
>>>>> come to think of it, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
>>>>> Because I already have haproxy setup for some web servers, and there it
>>>>> creates port 80 on the haproxy node. It's not trying to connect to a
>>>>> foreign source. Not sure where I got that idea!!
>>>>> I also tried binding the mysql section to another port that wasn't in
>>>>> use.
>>>>> I tried port 3307,3308. I even tried binding the mysql section of the
>>>>> config to a weird port I just grabbed off of the top of my head. I
>>>>> tried
>>>>> binding it to port 4444.
>>>>> And there I still got a bind error:
>>>>>    [ALERT] 204/223303 (13081) : Starting proxy mysql-cluster: cannot
>>>>> bind
>>>>> socket []
>>>>>    Now watch this!! If I bind the mysql section to port 80 instead of
>>>>> any
>>>>> other port.. haproxy starts up without complaint!
>>>>> listen mysql-cluster
>>>>>       bind
>>>>>       mode tcp
>>>>>       option mysql-check user haproxy_check
>>>>>       balance roundrobin
>>>>>       server mysql-1 :3306 check
>>>>>       server mysql-2 check
>>>>> [root@ha1:/etc/haproxy] #systemctl status haproxy
>>>>> haproxy.service - HAProxy Load Balancer
>>>>>      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service; enabled)
>>>>>      Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-07-24 22:35:03 UTC; 4s ago
>>>>>    Main PID: 13213 (haproxy-systemd)
>>>>>      CGroup: /system.slice/haproxy.service
>>>>>              ├─13213 /usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f
>>>>> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/
>>>>>              ├─13214 /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p
>>>>> /run/ -Ds
>>>>>              └─13215 /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p
>>>>> /run/ -Ds
>>>>> Jul 24 22:35:03 ha1 systemd[1]: Starting HAProxy Load Balancer...
>>>>> *Jul 24 22:35:03 ha1 systemd[1]: Started HAProxy Load Balancer.*
>>>>> Jul 24 22:35:03 ha1 haproxy-systemd-wrapper[13213]:
>>>>> haproxy-systemd-wrapper: executing /usr/sbin/haproxy -f
>>>>> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/ -Ds
>>>>> Ok. What...the...heck!!
>>>>> So why do you think that haproxy is only happy starting up on port 80?
>>>>> I
>>>>> would think that I should be able to specify any arbitrary port for it
>>>>> to
>>>>> listen on in a 'listen' sub-block.
>>>>> I guess I could have my app contact the database using port 80. But
>>>>> that's
>>>>> a little... weird. I installed haproxy using yum from the 'updates'
>>>>> repository. Is there any reason anyone can think of as to why haproxy
>>>>> refuses to start on any port other than port 80??
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Nenad Merdanovic <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>   Hello Tim,
>>>>>>        On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Tim Dunphy <
>>>>>>>       <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>           listen mysql-cluster
>>>>>>>               bind <>
>>>>>>>               mode tcp
>>>>>>>               option mysql-check user haproxy_check
>>>>>>>               balance roundrobin
>>>>>>>               server mysql-1 <
>>>>>>>  check
>>>>>>                server mysql-2 <
>>>>>>>  check
>>>>>>            Jul 24 03:44:18 ha1 haproxy-systemd-wrapper[25034]: [ALERT]
>>>>>>>           204/034418 (25035) : *Starting proxy mysql-cluster: cannot
>>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>>           s...:3306]*
>>>>>>>  Can you check if something is listening on
>>>>>> (netstat, ss,
>>>>>> lsof)? For example:
>>>>>> ss -lpt | fgrep 3306
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Nenad
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B

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