Hi Yves,

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 04:07:41PM +0200, Yves Van Wert wrote:
> Hi Willy,
> i'll attach one session out of the logfile that goes wrong.  As the session
> begins, the first request has NI as cookie state which is logical because
> it's a new session.  Then you see some activity during the session where
> the cookie state has VN as value.  The last entry the cookie state all of a
> sudden is NI and the backend changes to a different server.
> What could be the cause of the NI during a session ?

The client might have crashed or been intentionally closed. NI says there's
no cookie in the request and that a cookie has been inserted in the response.

Note that in your config below you're exactly in the case I warned
about regarding two different farms using the same cookie name. Here
you're running on the exact same servers so that's not a problem of
course and it's probably even on purpose that you did that. Just keep
in mind that you always need to have the same servers in both farms.

However I'm having a hard time understanding why there are two backends
since they're perfectly similar. Maybe this is done this way in order to
be able to add future rules ?

> backend weblogic-forms
>        mode http
>        stats enable
>        balance roundrobin
>        cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
>        option http-server-close
>        option forwardfor
>        option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
>        server ias01n check cookie ias01 weight 50
>        server ias02n check cookie ias02 weight 50
>        server ias05n check cookie ias05 weight 30
> backend weblogic-overig
>        mode http
>        stats enable
>        balance roundrobin
>        cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
>        option http-server-close
>        option forwardfor
>        option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
>        server ias01n check cookie ias01 weight 30
>        server ias02n check cookie ias02 weight 30
>        server ias05n check cookie ias05 weight 30


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