Dear Fellow HAProxy Users and Developers,

We are implementing HAProxy for reverse proxy load balancing for the first time. We are seeking your guidance below on how to access our products on two different servers. We are unable to access our working products via HAproxy. We would appreciate any pointers to learn from so that we could solve this issue.

We have 5 working product instances residing on 2 servers hosted in internal LAN. HAProxy is in DMZ. We are using the following template to copy the code into haproxy.cfg.

·The 5 live products can be accessed directly.

·HAProxy stats on Web browser show all 5 products are UP.

·But we cannot access them via HAProxy by their names, P1, P2, ...

Access URL

Thank you.


frontend apps-frontend

    bind          *:80

    log global

    option forwardfor

    option        httplog clf

    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http

acl host_subdomainP1 url_sub -i

use_backend subdomainP1 if host_subdomainP1

default_backend apps-backend

backend apps-backend

    log           global # use global settings

    balance       roundrobin

    option        httpclose

    option        forwardfor

    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]

    option        httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:localhost

backend subdomainP1

reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /Product1/(.*)     \1\ /\2

server P1.VM1 cookie c1 check

listen stats

       …standard stats

Thank you.


Susheel Jalali


Web <>


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