I followed Willy's advice from this post


but seem to get a lot of health check errors and (false) Dwntme. Is there a
newer or better way to do health checks or am I missing something?


BTW, nice work on 1.6, am looking forward to trying it out soon...

Here is my relevant code, is the CARP address my
clienst also use as the proxy ip to use. I tried using the local IP and had
the same problems.

listen check-responder
bind *:9090
mode http
monitor-uri /
timeout client 5000
timeout connect 5000
timeout server 5000

backend HTPL_WEB_PROXY_http_ipvANY
mode http
stick-table type ip size 50k expire 5m
stick on src
balance roundrobin
timeout connect 50000
timeout server 50000
retries 3
option httpchk GET HTTP/1.0
server HTPL-PROXY-01_10.1.4.103 cookie HTPLPROXY01 check
inter 30000  weight 175 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
server HTPL-PROXY-02_10.1.4.104 cookie HTPLPROXY02 check
inter 30000  weight 175 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
server HTPL-PROXY-03_10.1.4.107 cookie HTPLPROXY03 check
inter 30000  weight 100 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
server HTPL-PROXY-04_10.1.4.108 cookie HTPLPROXY04 check
inter 30000  weight 200 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
server HTHPL-PROXY-02_10.1.4.101 cookie HTHPLPROXY02 check
inter 30000  weight 150 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
server HTHPL-PROXY-03_10.1.4.102 cookie HTHPLPROXY03 check
inter 30000  weight 125 maxconn 1000 fastinter 1000 fall 5

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