Hi Daren,

What type of errors are reported?


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Daren Sefcik <dsef...@hightechhigh.org> wrote:
> I followed Willy's advice from this post
> http://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg05171.html
> but seem to get a lot of health check errors and (false) Dwntme. Is there a
> newer or better way to do health checks or am I missing something?
> TIA..
> BTW, nice work on 1.6, am looking forward to trying it out soon...
> Here is my relevant code, is the CARP address my
> clienst also use as the proxy ip to use. I tried using the local IP and had
> the same problems.
> listen check-responder
> bind *:9090
> mode http
> monitor-uri /
> timeout client 5000
> timeout connect 5000
> timeout server 5000
> backend HTPL_WEB_PROXY_http_ipvANY
> mode http
> stick-table type ip size 50k expire 5m
> stick on src
> balance roundrobin
> timeout connect 50000
> timeout server 50000
> retries 3
> option httpchk GET HTTP/1.0
> server HTPL-PROXY-01_10.1.4.103 cookie HTPLPROXY01 check
> inter 30000  weight 175 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-PROXY-02_10.1.4.104 cookie HTPLPROXY02 check
> inter 30000  weight 175 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-PROXY-03_10.1.4.107 cookie HTPLPROXY03 check
> inter 30000  weight 100 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-PROXY-04_10.1.4.108 cookie HTPLPROXY04 check
> inter 30000  weight 200 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTHPL-PROXY-02_10.1.4.101 cookie HTHPLPROXY02 check
> inter 30000  weight 150 maxconn 1500 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTHPL-PROXY-03_10.1.4.102 cookie HTHPLPROXY03 check
> inter 30000  weight 125 maxconn 1000 fastinter 1000 fall 5

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