On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 05:11:08PM -0400, Mark Betz wrote:
> Hi, Willy. You're quite right that I misread your instructions. Have not
> had a lot of time to put into this today. Apologies. Here is the
> information I gathered. Hope this helps. It's interesting to me that
> nslookup returns a record but host -a does not, however I don't know enough
> about how Google plumbs this out to speculate as to why. Also note that I
> tried the host command with both the short and fqdn names with the same
> result, but have included only the short form query below.

Indeed, and the most puzzling is that they both try the exact same name
and don't get the same result! Host seems to use a different server here.
Maybe you have several nameservers in your resolv.conf and certain have
valid information and others not, which could explain a different behaviour.
At least your build status doesn't show any use of getaddrinfo() so what
you're seeing isn't an incompatibility related to the flag I was speaking
about. You're using the plain old gethostbyname() which works everywhere.

I guess you'll have to figure one way or another how it is possible that
"host -a" fails below. Maybe it's time to try to play with your resolv.conf
to find if changing something there fixes it.

You may be interested in testing if "ping" on this fqdn works fine
and all the time.


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