I'm trying to figure out the best way to match a source ip against an ip
mapping file and make decisions based on that. What I'm now doing is this:

acl acl_is_xx src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m str xx
acl acl_is_yy src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m str yy

http-request set-header X-Test wasxx if acl_is_xx ...
http-request set-header X-Test wasyy if acl_is_yy ...

While this works my problem is that this requires two map look-ups. What
i would really like to do is this (pseudo code):

acl acl_value src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m copy
http-request set-header X-Test wasxx if acl_value==xx
http-request set-header X-Test wasyy if acl_value==yy

That way you only would have to do one look-up in the map and then
determine the the different cases based on simple string matches.

As far as I can tell though ACLs only allow for matching and not for a
straight forward copy like I tried to express with the "-m copy" above.

Is there an alternative way to express something like this?


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