On 23.11.2015 19:19, Andrew Hayworth wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
> <denni...@conversis.de> wrote:
>> Hm, I wasn't aware of the -M flag, thanks!
>> However in you example you again you have to do multiple lookups even
>> though that shouldn't be necessary. I can make decisions based on the
>> fact that the IP is present in the map but what I really want to do is
>> make a decision based on what the actual value for that IP in the map is
>> i.e. if the value is "de" then I want to do one thing and if it is "at"
>> then I want to do something else.
>> Regards,
>>   Dennis
> I see. I believe you could accomplish what you want with something like
> http-request set-var(req.ip_lookup) src,map_ip(<map-file-1>)
> http-request set-header X-Test wasxx if { var(req.ip_lookup) -m str xx }
> http-request set-header X-Test wasyy if { var(req.ip_lookup) -m str yy }
> http-request set-var is new in HAProxy 1.6. Also note the implicit ACL
> definition with '{}' - that's syntactic sugar so you don't have to
> declare them before (which would be very verbose).
> That said, the difference between one and two map lookups is
> negligible, so I don't think you're saving much this way and it'll
> make configuration harder in some ways if you keep adding IPs. I can
> vouch from personal experience in production that we run 2+ map
> lookups on every request at Braintree (hundreds of req/s) and it adds
> no noticeable latency. Food for thought. :)
> http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.6.html#http-request
> (especially note the section about variable scope).

set-var is precisely the thing I was looking for, thanks!

Since I need to update to 1.6 for this but am really busy over the next
two week at least I'll probably use your first suggestion for now and
then look into the set-var version in a few weeks.
In general the ability to set a variable from a map and then later use
that for further processing is a nice feature to have,

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


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