
> Sorry for send it again, I just forgot to provide the attachments. 
> Affect verions: at least 1.5.15 and 1.6.2 
> Here is the related part in my configuration: 
> timeout client 15m # 客户端响应超时 
> timeout client-fin 10s # 对客户端连接完成 TCP 4 次挥手超时 
> timeout connect 5s # HAProxy 向后端 Server 建立连接时的等候超时 
> timeout server 15m # 服务器端响应超时 
> timeout server-fin 5s # 对后端 Server 连接完成 TCP 4 次挥手超时 
> timeout http-keep-alive 5m # http keep-alive 连接空闲(等待下一请求到达)保持超时(对前后端均有效,影响 
> http-reuse 选项) 
> timeout http-request 15s # http 请求 *头部* 接收超时(对前后端均有效) 
> And I found after upgraded to 1.6.2 and 1.5.15, my haproxy server offen 
> using 100% CPU

So you are seeing CPU spikes at 100%, about fifty/fifty between
system (kernel) and usr (haproxy).

Which OS and kernel are you using?
Can you post more configuration (not just timeouts)?
Are you using SSL?
Are you using nbproc?
Can you post the output of haproxy -vv?

You are saying the this happens after an upgrade to 1.6.2 or 1.5.15.
Which release did you use previously that worked fine? Did you
only upgrade haproxy to a new release or did you do any other
changes as well (config changes, OS/kernel changes or tuning)?




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