
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:09:03AM +0800, baiyang wrote:
> > Which release did you use previously that worked fine?
> I'm using 1.5.14 before upgraded to 1.6.2. I believe everythins is ok before
> the last upgrade. I download it from launchpad.net.

That's quite problematic. I've just reviewed the changelog between 1.5.14 and
1.5.15 and am not seeing anything there which could explain this. Just to be
clear, when the problem happens, does haproxy still serve traffic but at 100%
CPU or does it spin on itself and stop processing traffic ?

I would guess the former, which could be a but in a timeout handling somewhere.

Another point while I'm thinking about it, could it be that sometimes your
processes are reloaded ? I mean, if one of the last request takes 15mn to
complete and you perform a soft reload, the process will not exit until
this request is completed. And by definition, when it completes, it's the
last one in the log before the process tries to leave. In this case you'll
see another process in parallel still doing the job (the new one).


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