On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 1:20 PM, Hemanth Abbina
<heman...@eiqnetworks.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are validating HAProxy for our environment, as our primary load balancer
> to receive HTTPs traffic and also needs to verify clients. We are testing it
> on a 8 core 32 GB CentOS server.
> In HTTP mode, we could able to send up to 80 sessions/sec with a single HTTP
> client.
> The same setup when used with HTTPs along with client authentication, we
> could get only 1 session/sec. Is this performance expected or can we do
> anything to improve the performance ? Below is the ssl configuration used.
>         bind *:443 ssl crt ./certs/server.pem ca-file ./certs/ca.crt verify
> required
> --regards
> Hemanth


Sorry, but the numbers you're reporting doesn't make any sense!
Please provide full information about your haproxy box, anything which
may help us understanding what happens, such as your configuration,
sysctls, dmesg output, logs, etc...


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