On 17/03/2016 12:26 μμ, Nenad Merdanovic wrote:
> Hello Gary,
> On 3/17/2016 11:51 AM, Gary Barrueto wrote:
>> While that would help a single server, how about when dealing with multi
>> servers + anycast: Has there been any thoughts about sharing ssl/tls
>> session cache between servers? Like how apache can use memcache to store
>> its cache or how cloudfare used/patched openresty to do the same recently.
> HAproxy can load TLS ticket keys from file, which can be distributed by
> a central server. That way the information is kept on the client side
> and can be reused by any server in the anycasted pool.
> https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.6.html#5.1-tls-ticket-keys

I am working(not very actively) on a solution which utilizes this.
It will use www.vaultproject.io as central store, a generating engine
and a pull/push mechanism in place.

But, the current version of HAProxy doesn't support different TLS
tickets per frontend, which I would like to use.


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