On 20/06/2016 10:12 πμ, Michel Blanc wrote:
> Hi list,
> Since I prefer to use distribution packages, I will have to move to
> 1.6.x series soon. I've been using 1.5.x since the dev series.
> Is there anything specific to keep in mind when switching from 1.5.x to
> 1.6.x ? Gotchas, different "best practices", beneficial new
> configuration settings ?

It really depends on the complexity of the configuration and setup. I have
migrated all HAProxy 1.5 systems to 1.6.x and I didn't encounter any problems.

My configs aren't that complex but the traffic composition they serve is rather

I would say wait for 1.6.6 to be released and then upgrade some of your boxes,
if that is possible.


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