Hi Willy,

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 03:10:18PM +0100, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 11:34:18AM +0100, Simon Horman wrote:
> > > Sometimes a description like above appears in your example, is it just
> > > for a few fields or do you intend to describe all of them ? I'm asking
> > > because we don't have such descriptions right now, and while I won't
> > > deny that forcing contributors to add one when adding new stats could be
> > > reasonable (it's like doc), I fear that it would significantly inflate
> > > the output.
> > 
> > My understanding is that the description is part of the schema but would
> > not be included in a JSON instance. Or on other words, would not
> > be included in the output of a show command.
> OK. So does this mean that a schema will have to be maintained by hand in
> parallel or will it be deduced from the dump ? I'm starting to be worried
> about something not being kept up to date if we have to maintain it, or
> causing a slow down in adoption of new stats entries.

I envisage the schema being maintained in the same way that documentation
is. In the draft schema I posted it should not be necessary to update each
time a new item is added to the output of show flow or show info. Rather,
the schema would need to be updated if the format of the data changes some
how: f.e. a new field is added which would be analagous to adding a new
column to the output of typed output, or a new type of value, such as u16,
was added.

> > My intention was to add descriptions for all fields. But in many case
> > the field name seemed to be sufficiently descriptive or at least I couldn't
> > think of a better description. And in such cases I omitted the description
> > to avoid being repetitive.
> OK that's a good point. So we can possibly have a first implementation reusing
> the field name everywhere, and later make these descriptions mandatory in the
> code for new fields so that the output description becomes more readable.
> > I do not feel strongly about the descriptions. I'm happy to remove some or
> > all of them if they are deemed unnecessary or otherwise undesirable; to add
> > them to every field for consistency; or something in between.
> I think dumping only known descriptions and falling back to the name (or
> simply suggesting that the consumer just uses the same when there's no desc)
> sounds reasonable to me for now.
> > > Also, do you have an idea about the verbosity of the dump here ? For
> > > example let's say you have 100 listeners with 4 servers each (which is
> > > an average sized config). I'm just looking for a rought order of 
> > > magnitude,
> > > ie closer to 10-100k or to 1-10M. The typed output is already quite heavy
> > > for large configs so it should not be a big deal, but it's something we
> > > have to keep in mind.
> > 
> > I don't think the type, description, etc... should be included in such
> > output as they can be supplied by the schema out-of-band. But the field
> > name and values along with syntactic elements (brackets, quotes, etc...) do
> > need to be included.
> OK.
> > I can try and come up with an estimate if it is
> > important but my guess is the result would be several times the size of the
> > typed output (mainly owing to the size of the field names in the output).
> No, don't worry, this rough estimate is enough.

Simon Horman                      si...@horms.nl
Horms Solutions BV                  www.horms.nl
Parnassusweg 819, 1082 LZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 800 6155            Skype: horms7

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