
We use track's in haproxy to minimize check traffic in some situations and
after my last patch we are probably going to switch to agent-checks for
live management of weights and statuses. One problem I see now - track
don't propagate weight setting to trackers, so if we set agent-check on
track we can manage status only.

My first PoC solution works good, so I thought about introducing something
like agent-track or track-agent directive set on backends (or maybe it
should be default, non-configurable behaviour) to propagate agent-check
responses from main check to all tracking backends. Both default behaviour
and directive approach are small changes in code, but a little bigger in

In my opinion if we set agent-check on backend which is tracked by others -
it should propagate agent-check weight response to those tracking backend
and set weight on them too. Configurable or not - it will be good feature.


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