
thanks for your elaborate reply! See my remarks below.

> possible impacts nor complexity (but I don't want to have the complete MS
> Office suite merged in, just Word, Excel and PowerPoint :-)).


>  - renewed certs can and will sometimes provide extra alt names, so
>    they are not always 100% equivalent.
> […]

> That said, given that we can already look up a cert based on a name,
> maybe in fact we could load all of them and just try to find a more
> recent one if the first one reported by the SNI is outdated. I don't
> know if that solves everything there.

It actually might. In the end it would be something like a map, with the
key being the domain, and the value a list of pointers to the actual
certificates, sorted by remaining validity, having shortest first.

> In any case, this will not provide any benefit regarding let's encrypt
> or such solutions, because the next cert would have to be known in
> advance and loaded already, so reloads will have to be performed to
> take it into account. So I think that the approach making it possible
> to feed them over the CLI would still be mor interesting (and possibly
> complementary).

I think it would benefit Let’s Encrypt and similar scenarios. I would
still require reloads to pick up newly added certificates. But as renewed
certificates overlap their predecessors’ validity period, dropping them
into a directory and just doing a reload maybe once a day would work.
Clients would still get the older one, until it finally expired, but that
should not matter, as we are not talking about revocations where
switching to a new cert is wanted quickly.

> Daniel I'm pretty sure that most users
> would prefer the approach consisting in picking the most recent
> valid cert instead of the last one as you'd like. I don't really
> know if it's common to issue a cert with a "not-before" date in the
> future. And that might be the whole point in the end.

Well, I was just thinking about the not-after date. In general, from a
client perspective it shouldn’t matter to get an older one, until it
really expires. And the case where you have a new certificate
already, and you want it handed out to clients ASAP is already taken
care of today — just replace the file and reload :-)
Unless I misunderstood what you meant when referring to the
“not-before” date.


PS: This is an interesting discussion, and I am happy to continue
it, if anyone feels the same. As I said, I will try to solve this via
provisioning scripts in the meantime, so there is no time pressure.

Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer
CenterDevice GmbH                  | Hochstraße 11
                                   | 42697 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland
daniel.schnel...@centerdevice.de   | www.centerdevice.de

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Patrick Peschlow, Dr. Lukas Pustina,
Michael Rosbach, Handelsregister-Nr.: HRB 18655,
HR-Gericht: Bonn, USt-IdNr.: DE-815299431

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