Hello Mats,

Am 21.06.2017 um 07:59 schrieb Mats Eklund:
> Hi,
> I am running a load balanced Tomcat application on Openshift Online v2, with 
> HAProxy ver. 1.4.22 as load balancer.
> I would like to have HTTP connections closed after each response is returned. 
> But am unable to make the response contain the corresponding response headers 
> (i.e. "Connection: close").
> I have tried adding "option httpclose" in the HAProxy config file, but still 
> the response headers contains "Connection: keep-alive" and a "Keep-Alive: 
> timeout=15, max=100".
> I have even tried "rspdel ^Connection:\ .*" but still the response contains 
> the above mentioned headers. (That I'm editing the right config file I have 
> verified by successfully adding a rspadd instruction).
> Any advice is much appreciated!

We are gonna need the full configuration.

Is this http/1.1 or http/1.0 on the front and backend?
Confirm that you are running in  http mode ("mode http") please.


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