Hi Mats,

Mats Eklund wrote:
> I am running a load balanced Tomcat application on Openshift Online
> v2, with HAProxy ver. 1.4.22 as load balancer.

With your current config, HAProxy will add a "Connection: close" header
to responses. However, since you mentioned you are running this in an
OpenShift environment, there might (and probably is)  be another layer
of proxies involved between your HAProxy and your client.

Since you are speaking plain HTTP here, this other proxy might chose to
use keep-alive connections towards the client, similar to how HAProxy's
option http-server-close works. In that case, you would have to change
the configuration of this other proxy too.


P.S. HAProxy 1.4 is OLD and receives only critical fixes now. You should
seriously consider upgrading to a newer version. The current stable
version if 1.7.26.

At the very least, you should upgrade to the latest 1.4 version 1.4.27
has fixed 83 known bugs since 1.4.22. See
https://www.haproxy.org/bugs/bugs-1.4.22.html for details.

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