Hi Pieter, 

>> Good point. I wanted to avoid, however, having these “high level” health 
>> checks from the many many sidecars being routed through to the actual 
>> backends.
>> Instead, I considered it enough to “only” check if the central haproxy is 
>> available. In case it is, the sidecars rely on it doing the actual health 
>> checks of the backends and responding with 503 or similar, when all backends 
>> for a particular request happen to be down.
> Maybe monitor-uri perhaps together with 'monitor fail' could help ?: 
> http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/snapshot/configuration.html#4.2-monitor-uri
> It says it wont log or forward the request.. not sure but maybe stats will 
> also skip it.

Yes, that’s exactly what’s shown in that linked repo. Thanks for chiming in :)

> Regards,
> PiBa-NL / Pieter

Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer
CenterDevice GmbH                  | Hochstraße 11
                                   | 42697 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland
daniel.schnel...@centerdevice.de   | www.centerdevice.de

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