On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:28:57AM +0100, Jérôme Magnin wrote:
> 748 looks like what a single core on a VM can achieve in terms of private key
> computation with rsa 2048 certs. You can confirm this by running the following
> command in your vm:
> openssl speed rsa2048.
> 21000 is too high to be key computation only. 

Indeed, clearly one is doing RSA only while the other one does resume.

> > My haproxy config looks like this: 
> > https://gist.github.com/lucasRolff/36fc84ac44aad559c1d43ab6f30237c8
> This configuration has no backend, so each request will be replied to with a 
> 503
> response containing a connection: close header, which means each request will
> lead to a key computation. 

Good catch, indeed the error (even if it's rewritten as a fake 200) will
result in the connection being aborted and I guess then the SSL context
is not kept in ab in this case. Lucas, a better solution is to use a
redirect, such as :

     redirect location /foo

This will not cost much and will perform a complete HTTP rules evaluation
as well. Some of the numbers we've observed here on a single core/single
threaded core i7-4790 :

     1350 TLSv1.2 key computations/s (RSA2048)
    14000 TLSv1.2 connection resumes/s
   180000 req/s over TLSv1.2 (keep-alive)

By using the redirect above instead of the errorfile, you should be able
to test all these.


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