
On 11 January 2018 at 16:36, Jonathan Matthews <cont...@jpluscplusm.com> wrote:
> On 11 January 2018 at 00:03, Imam Toufique <techie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, I have everything in the listen section commented out:
>> frontend main
>>    bind :2200
>>    default_backend sftp
>>    timeout client 5d
>> #listen stats
>> #   bind *:2200
>> #   mode tcp
>> #   maxconn 2000
>> #   option redis-check
>> #   retries 3
>> #   option redispatch
>> #   balance roundrobin
>> #use_backend sftp_server
>> backend sftp
>> balance roundrobin
>> server web check weight 2
>> server nagios check weight 2
>> Is that what I need, right?
> I suspect you won't need to have your *backend*'s ports changed to
> 2200. Your SSH server on those machines is *probably* also your SFTP
> server

That's exactly right, your backend destination port should probably
22, there is no need to bump that one to 2200.

> As an aside, it's not clear why you're trying to do this. You've
> already hit the host-key-changing problem, and unless you have a
> *very* specific use case, your users will hit the "50% of the time I
> connect, my files have gone away" problem soon. So you've probably got
> to solve the shared-storage problem on your backends ... which turns
> them in to stateless SFTP-to-FS servers.
> In my opinion adding haproxy as a TCP proxy in your architecture adds
> very little, if anything. If I were you, I'd strongly consider just
> sync'ing the same host key to each server, putting their IPs in a
> low-TTL DNS record, and leaving haproxy out of the setup.

With DNS round-robin instead of haproxy you have the same exact
requirements regarding SSH keys and filesystem synchronization, with
all the disadvantages (no health checks, no direct control of the
actual load-balancing, no stats, no logs, etc).

I'm really not sure why you'd recommend DNS RR instead of haproxy
here. Load-balancing a single-port TCP protocol between 2 backends is
a bread and butter use-case for haproxy.


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