Hi all.

I resend this just to highlight the question from below.

> Finally the question is, afaiu, how to balance based on test_ha AND
> counter_out AND lua.parseElement

This are different tables.

Best regards

Am 09.03.2018 um 18:28 schrieb Aleksandar Lazic:
> Hi Amit.
> *Please keep the mailing list in loop, thanks.*
> In case you haven't received my last mail here is the web link to the
> maillinglist archive.
> https://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg29252.html
> Am 09.03.2018 um 07:43 schrieb amit raj:
>> Hello Alex,
>> Two things we have to achieve with the HAPROXY to be very clear.
>> 1.The most important thing we want to achieve is uniform Load Balancing
>> (with sessions and bytes in and bytes out parameter should be uniform
>> across all the backend).
> Let me describe what I have understood.
> You want to use more the one balancing decision base.
> * session (cookie, url, ...)
> * bytes in. I assume from the client
> * bytes out. I assume from the client
> I this right? # <= Please answer this question, thanks.
> Please can you describe in a ASCII flow how the decision flow should work.
> What I have seen in the doc are this acl samples
> https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#7.3.1-table_bytes_in_rate
> https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#7.3.1-table_bytes_out_rate
> But I'm not sure if this is what you need.
>> 2.When we have tried using keep-alive mode for achieving uniform load
>> balancing , the HAPROXY is sending RST for closing the connection with
>> the backend , this is what we really do not want .As per our use case
>> HAPROXY should use FIN to close the backend connection.
>> Currently we are using "option-http-tunnel" in the frontend of the
>> application and "no-http-tunnel" and "keep-alive" in the backend this
>> solves our RST issue and HAPROXY is closing the connection properly with
>> FIN.But the uniform Load Balancing  as I mentioned in point one got
>> screwed up.
>> Following are  my basic HAPROXY config we are using for testing and
>> fixing  the issue.
> Thank you for the full haproxy config.
>> global
>>   log /dev/log    local0
>>   log /dev/log    local1 notice
>> #        lua-load /etc/haproxy/parseJsonValue.lua
>>   stats socket /var/run/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 777 level admin
>>   expose-fd listeners
>>   chroot /var/lib/haproxy
>>   #lua-load /etc/haproxy/lua
>>   stats timeout 30s
>>   user haproxy
>>   group haproxy
>>   #        daemon
>>   maxconn 2000
>> defaults
>>   log     global
>>   mode    http
>>   retries 3
>>   option  httplog
>>   #option http-server-close
>>   option  dontlognull
>>   option forwardfor
>>   timeout connect 5000
>>   timeout client  50000
>>   timeout server  50000
>>   errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
>>   errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
>>   errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
>>   errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
>>   errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
>>   errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
>>   errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
>> #------------------
>> # internal statistics
>> #------------------
>> listen stats
>>   bind ipv4@:8999
>>   mode http
>>   stats enable
>>   stats uri  /stats
>> #------------------
>> # frontend instances
>> #------------------
>> frontend test_ha
>>   bind ipv4@:8080
>>   option http-tunnel
>>   #    http-request add-header X-Internal-Value %[lua.parseJsonValue]
>>   default_backend test_back
>> #------------------
>> # backend instances
>> #------------------
>> backend test_back
>>   #  http-request set-header X-LB %[req.hdr(Host),lower]%[req.uri,lower]
>>   balance roundrobin
>>   no option http-tunnel
>>   option http-keep-alive>    # option http-server-close
>>   #option http-buffer-request
>> #        stick-table type string size 30k expire 30m
>> #        stick on "lua.parseElement" table test_back
>>   server test2 test02.xyz.abc.com:80 <http://test02.xyz.abc.com:80>
>>   server test3 test03.xy.abc.com:80 <http://test03.xy.abc.com:80>
>> Please let me know if you need any other info.
> Ah I think I understand now what you mean.
> https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#4-stick-table
> I haven't used stick-table very extensive so I hope a more experienced
> Person will correct my suggestion.
> --------------
> frontend test_ha
>     bind ipv4@:8080
>     option http-tunnel
> #    http-request add-header X-Internal-Value %[lua.parseJsonValue]
>     stick-table type integer size 30k expire 30m store bytes_in_cnt
>     default_backend counter_out
> backend counter_out
>     bind ipv4@:8081
>     option http-tunnel
>     stick-table type integer size 30k expire 30m store bytes_out_cnt
>     default_backend test_ha
> backend be_test_ha
>      bind ipv4@:8082
>      option http-tunnel
>  #    http-request add-header X-Internal-Value %[lua.parseJsonValue]
>      default_backend test_back
> backend test_back
>   #  http-request set-header X-LB %[req.hdr(Host),lower]%[req.uri,lower]
>     balance roundrobin>
>     no option http-tunnel
>     option http-keep-alive
>     # option http-server-close
>     #option http-buffer-request
>  #        stick-table type string size 30k expire 30m
>  #        stick on "lua.parseElement" table test_back
>      server test2 test02.xyz.abc.com:80 <http://test02.xyz.abc.com:80>
>      server test3 test03.xy.abc.com:80 <http://test03.xy.abc.com:80>
> -----------------
> Finally the question is, afaiu, how to balance based on test_ha AND
> counter_out AND lua.parseElement
> Best regards
> Aleks

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