
On Tue, Jun 05, Martel, Michael H. wrote:
> We're running HAproxy 1.5.18 on RedHat Enterprise 7.4, as the load balancer 
> for our LMS (Moodle).  We have found that the course backup feature in Moodle 
> will return a 5xx error on some backups.  We have determined that the 
> "timeout server" value needed to be increased.

Do these backup requests have specific urls that you can match with acl ?

If you use separate backend for moodle backups then it should be
possible to increase timeout server for just the backup requests.

Something like
frontend fe_moodle
  acl backup_req path_sub /something/backup
  use_backend moodle_backup if backup_req
  default_backend moodle
backend moodle
  timeout server 1m

backend moodle_backup
  timeout server 12m
  server moodle1 ... track moodle/moodle1 ...
  server moodle2 ... track moodle/moodle2 ...

> Initially we were using a "timeout client 1m" and "timeout server 1m" .  
> Adjusting the server to "timeout server 12m" fixes the problem and does not 
> appear to introduce any other issues in our testing.
> I can't see any reason that I should have the "timeout client" and the 
> "timeout server" set to the same value.
> Is there anything I should watch out for after increasing the "timeout 
> server" by such a large amount ?

Probably not, but AFAIK if the backend server "dies" after haproxy has
forwarded the request (and before server responds) then client has to
wait for timeout server (in reality I think everyone will just click
stop or reload instead of waiting for the really long timeout).


Jarno Huuskonen

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