
Just double checking to make sure I am not simply blind: Is there a way to 
reverse a string using a sample converter?

Background: I need to extract just the second level domain from the host 
header. So for sub.sample.example.com <http://sub.sample.example.com/> I need 
to fetch "example".

Using the "word" converter and a "." as the separator I can get at the 
individual components, but because the number of nested subdomains varies, I 
cannot use that directly.

My idea was to just reverse the full domain (removing a potential port number 
first), get word(2) and reverse again. Is that possible? Or is there an even 
better function I can use? I am thinking this must be a common use case, but 
googling "haproxy" and "reverse" will naturally turn up lots of results talking 
about "reverse proxying".

If possible, I would like to avoid using maps to keep this thing as generic as 

Thanks a lot!


Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer

CenterDevice GmbH
Rheinwerkallee 3
53227 Bonn

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Patrick Peschlow, Dr. Lukas Pustina, Michael Rosbach, 
Handelsregister-Nr.: HRB 18655, HR-Gericht: Bonn, USt-IdNr.: DE-815299431

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