

On Tue, 7 Aug 2018, 11:43 Jonathan Opperman, <jonoi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am hoping someone can give me some tips and pointers on getting
> something working
> in haproxy that could do the following:
> I have installed haproxy and put a web server behind it, the proxy has 2
> interfaces,
> eth0 (public) and eth1 (proxy internal)
> I've got a requirement where I want to only proxy some source ip addresses
> based on
> their source address so we can gradually add or customers to haproxy so
> that we can
> support TLS1.2 and strong ciphers
> I have added an iptables rule and can then bypass haproxy with:
> for ip in $INBOUNDEXCLUSIONS ; do
>         ipset -N inboundexclusions iphash
>         ipset -A inboundexclusions $ip
>         done
>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS -m state --state NEW -j LOG
>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS -d -p tcp --dport
> 443 -j DNAT --to $JONODEMO1:443
>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set
> inboundexclusions src -d -p tcp --dport 443 -j HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS
> Testing was done and I was happy with the solution, I then had a
> requirement
> to have a proxy with multiple IP address on eth0 (So created eth0:1
> eth0:2) etc
> and changed my haproxy frontend config from  bind transparent
> to bind transparent but now my dnat doesn't work if haproxy
> is running, if I stop haproxy the traffic gets dnatted fine.
> I am not sure if I am being very clear in here but basically wanted to
> know if there is
> a way to do selective ssl offloading on the haproxy or bypass
> ssl offloading on the
> server that sits behind the proxy? This is required so that customers that
> do not support
> TLS1.2 and strong ciphers we can still let them connect so actually
> bypassing
> the ssl offloading on the proxy.
> Thanks very much for your time reading this.
> Regards,
> Jonathan

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