Did you miss the two mails from Igor containing suggestions?

Like this email, they went both to the list and directly to yourself. Maybe
check your spam folder.


On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 at 02:28, Jonathan Opperman <jonoi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *bump*
> Anyone?
> On Tue, 7 Aug 2018, 11:43 Jonathan Opperman, <jonoi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am hoping someone can give me some tips and pointers on getting
>> something working
>> in haproxy that could do the following:
>> I have installed haproxy and put a web server behind it, the proxy has 2
>> interfaces,
>> eth0 (public) and eth1 (proxy internal)
>> I've got a requirement where I want to only proxy some source ip
>> addresses based on
>> their source address so we can gradually add or customers to haproxy so
>> that we can
>> support TLS1.2 and strong ciphers
>> I have added an iptables rule and can then bypass haproxy with:
>> for ip in $INBOUNDEXCLUSIONS ; do
>>         ipset -N inboundexclusions iphash
>>         ipset -A inboundexclusions $ip
>>         done
>>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS -m state --state NEW -j
>>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS -d -p tcp
>> --dport 443 -j DNAT --to $JONODEMO1:443
>>         $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set
>> inboundexclusions src -d -p tcp --dport 443 -j HTTPSINBOUNDBYPASS
>> Testing was done and I was happy with the solution, I then had a
>> requirement
>> to have a proxy with multiple IP address on eth0 (So created eth0:1
>> eth0:2) etc
>> and changed my haproxy frontend config from  bind transparent
>> to bind transparent but now my dnat doesn't work if haproxy
>> is running, if I stop haproxy the traffic gets dnatted fine.
>> I am not sure if I am being very clear in here but basically wanted to
>> know if there is
>> a way to do selective ssl offloading on the haproxy or bypass
>> ssl offloading on the
>> server that sits behind the proxy? This is required so that customers
>> that do not support
>> TLS1.2 and strong ciphers we can still let them connect so actually
>> bypassing
>> the ssl offloading on the proxy.
>> Thanks very much for your time reading this.
>> Regards,
>> Jonathan
>> --
Jonathan Matthews
London, UK

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