Hi Willy and Sachin,

Le 14/08/2018 à 01:27, Cyril Bonté a écrit :
Thanks for the feedback. I've made some tests with the lines of code you suggested and it looks to work fine. I'll prepare the patches tomorrow.

OK, some updates on the patch.
It was working well with haproxy 1.7, the same with haproxy 1.8.
But when I prepared the patch for the 1.9 branch, I discovered a strange behaviour, where the timeout was approximaterly delayed by 500ms. I spent some time tonight, until I discovered it was under my eyes some lines earlier :)

The culprit is commit #56cc12509 [1] where the rounding calculation is wrong :
    /* round up for inputs that are fractions and convert to millis */
    dtmout = (0.5 + MAY_LJMP(luaL_checknumber(L, 2))) * 1000;

Well, now it's identified, I'll (really) send the patch tomorrow and will see in another patch how we can fix #56cc12509.

[1] http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy.git;a=blobdiff;f=src/hlua.c;h=60cf8f948437677b72adabc50602ca99d80349bf;hp=633841c6d7aecce3e5cf893e01b5eed1cfe64e0f;hb=56cc12509;hpb=7741c854cd908dd4947325c36a6feb8203748d16

Cyril Bonté

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