Hi Cyril,

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 01:02:52AM +0200, Cyril Bonté wrote:
> Hi Willy and Sachin,
> Le 14/08/2018 à 01:27, Cyril Bonté a écrit :
> > Thanks for the feedback. I've made some tests with the lines of code you
> > suggested and it looks to work fine. I'll prepare the patches tomorrow.
> OK, some updates on the patch.
> It was working well with haproxy 1.7, the same with haproxy 1.8.
> But when I prepared the patch for the 1.9 branch, I discovered a strange
> behaviour, where the timeout was approximaterly delayed by 500ms. I spent
> some time tonight, until I discovered it was under my eyes some lines
> earlier :)
> The culprit is commit #56cc12509 [1] where the rounding calculation is wrong
> :
>     /* round up for inputs that are fractions and convert to millis */
>     dtmout = (0.5 + MAY_LJMP(luaL_checknumber(L, 2))) * 1000;

Ah an interesting one :-)

> Well, now it's identified, I'll (really) send the patch tomorrow and will
> see in another patch how we can fix #56cc12509.

Great, thank you!


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