
On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 06:53:12AM +0300, Wert wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm talking only about performance ways)
> About socket.
> I use UDP for sending, there are no reasons for delays.
> However, my bad - I misunderstood some FDs in "lsof". It is not related to 
> that UDP-sending, that is OK.
> About file system.
> I open file from disk for GeoIP, but finally it cached in memory. I don't 
> think that there will be difference if I move it to ramdisk.
> Example for Redis (works same as for GeoIP):
> 1) luarocks install redis-lua
> 2) At the top in lua-file (or inside core.register_init()):
> redisClient = pcall(redis.connect,'unix:///run/redis/redis.sock')
> 3) For cfg just "lua-load" param should be enough.
> For each reload "lsof" would show one additional unix-socket on master and 
> worker.
> As I understand:
> - The LUA initialization executes for master and creates FD.
> - During reload "re-executed" master-process keeps old FD and gets one more 
> by new lua-init.
> - Workers inherit everything from master.

To avoid FD leaks during a reload of the master process, those FDs must be
marked FD_CLOEXEC. I don't know how you are opening these file but you should
try to do a fcntl on the FD.
William Lallemand

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