
Am 23-08-2019 00:28, schrieb andy.anthoine....@opt.nc:


I got that email on this site, not sure if it's still working etc

I'm having some issue with a service (white page sometimes for a
webservice), and i m not totally sure it has anything to do with issue
on my load balancer (i'm not the one who configured it, just having to
work on it, guy gone, no documentation left etc…)

When i started looking, i noticed that only this service had so many
warnings and errors, so i thought « maybe » it can have something to do
with it…

Was any changes in the setup which cloud be the reason for the the
behaviour or you just recognizes it and it's "normal"?
What's in the logs?

backend ecmapp-prd-be-8443
acl kerberos hdr_beg(Authorization) -m beg Negotiate
http-request replace-header Authorization (.*) "Basic <SNIP>" if

Ähm I hope this is not an U:P which is external visible

mode http

[snip more config]

Here is the configuration of the service, i m able to read half of it,
chechking the documentation to find more information

Thanks a lot of you can help, if not have a great day J

What's your haproxy version?

haproxy -vv

Thanks !


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