> On 28 Oct 2019, at 22:00, Christopher Faulet <cfau...@haproxy.com> wrote:
>> macbookpro:~ andreavettori$ curl --http1.1 -v http://g.testhost
> [SNIP]
> Here there is a problem with your configuration. Don't know what, but HAProxy 
> closed abruptly the client connection. Could you provide your default and 
> global section please ?

Here are the global and defaults section.
Thanks for you help

        maxconn 7500
        log /dev/log local0 warning
        description descr
        tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
        ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 no-tlsv10 no-tlsv11
        stats socket /var/run/haproxy_nagios.sock mode 666 level user
        stats timeout 2m

        mode http
        log global
        timeout connect 15s
        timeout client 50s
        timeout server 50s

        option forwardfor

        stats enable
        stats refresh 60s
        stats show-desc

        option redispatch

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