> On 31 Oct 2019, at 10:02, Christopher Faulet <cfau...@haproxy.com> wrote:
> Le 29/10/2019 à 18:48, Ing. Andrea Vettori a écrit :
>> Here is a direct session to backend server from the client machine in clear 
>> text http2 without upgrade. Note that in this case output is NOT truncated 
>> if I call the command without the ‘-n’ option. To do this test I temporary 
>> overriden the host’s name dns resolution on the client (curl has a handy 
>> option to do that but haven’t found it on nghttp).
> ...
>> The following is the same client to the haproxy server, to port 80 i.e. no 
>> “proto h2” on the front-end. Proto h2 on the backend. Note that in this case 
>> output is truncated if I call the command without the ‘-n’ option
> ...
>> Finally this is the output when port 82 is called on haproxy, i.e. the 
>> frontend with “proto h2” option. This also produces truncated output.
> ...
> Ok, Thanks for these infos. So, from the H2 point of view, the responses are 
> valid and well formatted. But the responses size are radically different. If 
> the size should be the same for all the three responses, the bug is probably 
> in the communication between HAProxy and the server. Because the 2nd response 
> is ~144K lower than the 1st one. And the 3rd is ~232K lower. So, far from the 
> internal buffer size.

Yes, I also noticed that the connections that go through haproxy have data 
packets with very different lengths while the direct connection seems a lot 
more consistent with respect to size. 

> To emit a flag END_STREAM on a DATA frame, internally, we need to reach the 
> end of the HTTP message. It is marked by a dedicated block of data 
> (HTX_BLK_EOM). This one is present if the flag END_STREAM was received on the 
> other side.

Is it normal that the data frame with END_STREAM has zero length on haproxy 
responses while it’s > 0 (1 actually) on the direct connection ?

> So now, the next move is to provide a network capture. Sorry to ask it again 
> :) Because you use dedicated ports for your tests, I guess it will be quite 
> simple. Could you provide the result of the following command, executed on 
> HAProxy server ?
>  tcpdump -i any -w h2toh2.cap  port 82 or port 8080
> You can fill the capture with some requests on http://g.testhost.com:82. It 
> could be also usefull to have the capture of a successfull request.
> Sorry to bother you with all these stuff. But for now, I don't know where to 
> start my investigation.

Sure I’ll do as soon as possibile and thank you very much for your continued 

Ing. Andrea Vettori
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