On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 08:33:41PM +0100, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> Dear HAProxy Community,
> I have started building HAProxy 2.x packages for CentOS.
> It includes HAProxy 2.0.10 and 2.1.0.
> You can find them here:
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/roidelapluie/haproxy/
> https://github.com/roidelapluie/haproxy-rpm
> which is based on https://git.centos.org/rpms/rh-haproxy18-haproxy
> Repo config:
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/roidelapluie/haproxy/repo/epel-7/roidelapluie-haproxy-epel-7.repo
> Copr is the Fedora public tool to build packages. Build logs are public,
> as well as source RPM's etc. So you are free to review it.

Hi Julien,

Thanks for your work, we really lack up-to-date packages for centos/rhel,
that's a relief people are still trying to update them. :-)

We don't really have an official rhel/centos package for HAProxy, but there are
multiple ones. I think it could be really great if people interested in HAProxy
for redhat-based distribution could work together to maintain one "official"
repository like we have for debian/ubuntu. (http://haproxy.debian.net)

We already knew about these ones:

- http://haproxy.hongens.nl/
- https://repo.ius.io/7/x86_64/packages/h/

But none of them are up to date with the latest version of their branches .

I didn't knew about Copr, it looks like a PPA-like for redhat from what I can
see, it could be a really great platform to do that.


William Lallemand

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