ср, 18 дек. 2019 г. в 21:16, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <

> Hello all!
> [First of all this question isn't only HAProxy specific, but can be
> extended to any HTTP server (including Apache, Nginx, and any other
> web application out there);  however I think it is especially
> important for HAProxy given how many HTTP-routing / mangling
> capabilities it has.]
> I have a quite complex HAProxy configuration and I want to make sure
> that while changing some ACL's and rules I don't break something else.
> Therefore I set out to find a tool that allows me to "unit test" an
> HTTP server (thus including HAProxy).  And to my surprise I didn't
> find one...  Obviously there are many "framework" unit test platforms
> out-there, each tailored for the underlying framework, such as Django,
> Flask, Rails, Spring, Go-lang, etc.;  however nothing "generic" that
> can test a web server by plain HTTP requests.
> So my question to the HAProxy community is if anyone knows / uses a
> generic HTTP unit testing framework.

I use openresty test framework (it works with nginx):
good question how to implement things using haproxy

you are talking about testing ACL. can you provide some example ?

> (I have already written a few custom Bash scripts that given an URL
> create a file on disk, and given it resides in a Git repository, I can
> easily `git diff ./tests/responses` to see if anything changed, but
> this is too "barbaric"...)  :)
> Thanks,
> Ciprian.

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