чт, 19 дек. 2019 г. в 01:07, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <

> On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 8:23 PM Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> redirects are easy to test. using any framework.
> >
> > for example, jmeter (or any other http query tool)
> >
> >> * apply authentication for `admin`;
> >> * force some caching headers for `web`, `static` and `media`;
> >
> > same here. assert in jmeter would serve caching headers check
> >
> >> * apply some "sanity" checks to requests / responses (i.e. except
> >> admin, the rest should only serve `GET` requests);
> >> * deny any request that doesn't match a set of domains
> >
> > same here. just fire random query using jmeter
> JMeter, like Postman, don't seem very adequate tools for this purpose;
>  for starters they are too centered around a UI (especially for
> "editing" the tests).  (Although they have CLI runners, and perhaps
> their "tests collections" can be serialized in a file and put in a Git
> repository, I don't think one can easily use it with e.g. a custom
> editor, etc., like any "normal" configuration.)
> For example:
> * https://jmeter.apache.org/demos/ -- an XML file for JMeter JMX files
> used as "test plans";
> *
> https://github.com/Blazemeter/taurus/blob/master/examples/functional/postman-sample-collection.json
> -- a JSON file (random example) for Postman;
> The closest I could find something that resembles "usability" is
> Tavern, which at least has the advantage of YAML as opposed to "raw"
> XML or JSON:
> * https://github.com/taverntesting/tavern
> *
> https://github.com/taverntesting/tavern/blob/master/example/simple/test_server.tavern.yaml
> Really I would have expected to find a lightweight and generic Python
> or Ruby "framework" that allows one to write such tests in a more
> "programmatic" manner...  :(

python mechanize ?

> Ciprian.

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