Hi Daniel,

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 06:47:07PM -0500, Daniel Corbett wrote:
> I'll do what I can to improve it starting with working on moving these items
> to a thread and increasing the calculations for expected release dates for
> older branches.

Probably we can start simple for the calculations: if we consider that there
are "recent" and "older" branches, that the last two ones (i.e. one LTS and
one non-LTS) are "recent", and others are "older". Just double all delays
for older ones, and maybe update them at most once every two weeks (don't
do complicated calculations, do it only on sundays whose day-of-year is

> I'll also take your other suggestions into account as well but I think these
> might be a good starting point.
> I may be a little slow on this but I'll put something together that can
> hopefully make the bot more useful.

No problem. I do really value these announces (even if I totally understand
how they can be boring). Regularly when I see them, I can't help but have a
quick check and think "ah shit, we're late", and that was exactly the point.
I'm also thinking right now that it could probably be more productive to
send them in the middle of the week (wednesday?) than on sundays: they will
be seen instantly instead of appearing in the middle of the backlog noise
of the past week-end.

I think in the mean time you can already kill 1.9 from the list of announces.


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