Le 17/03/2020 à 16:41, Sean Reifschneider a écrit :
The only place tcp-request appears in my config is in relation to rate-limiting, which we have set up to track but not enforce.  Here are the associated rules:

frontend main
     acl rate_whitelist src
     acl rate_whitelist src
     acl rate_whitelist src
     acl rate_whitelist src
     acl rate_whitelist src
     stick-table type ip size 200k expire 60s store gpc0
     tcp-request connection track-sc0 src if ! rate_whitelist
     #use_backend throttled if { sc0_get_gpc0 gt 0 }

backend www
     stick-table type ip size 200k expire 1m store http_req_rate(30s)
     acl abuse_req_rate sc1_http_req_rate gt 1000
     acl mark_as_abuser sc0_inc_gpc0(main) gt 0
     tcp-request content track-sc1 src
     tcp-request content reject if abuse_req_rate mark_as_abuser

Here's a pastebin of the full config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nM6xq4Vp2z/

Ok, so the failing ACL is rate_whitelist. But there is nothing strange here. And your configuration is pretty clean. It is probably a side effect of another bug. Without a core file it will be hard to investigate.

Christopher Faulet

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