Hi List,

we've recently upgraded our haproxy from 1.6 to 2.0.13 (and by now to
After the upgrade our apache in front of the haproxy instance randomly
reports 502's.  The requests that result in the 502 are not logged in the
haproxy log.  It happens random and sporadically on requests that work well
the next time they run.

I've checked the mailinglist, but can't seem to find anyone with the same
problem on this version.

The cli on the admin sock
show errors
Total events captured on [27/Apr/2020:00:22:55.592] : 0

our hparoxy conf contains :

        log /dev/log    local0
        chroot /var/lib/haproxy
        stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
        stats timeout 30s
        user haproxy
        group haproxy

        ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

        log     global
        mode    http
        option  httplog
        option  dontlognull
        timeout connect 5000
        timeout client  1h
        timeout server  1h
        errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
        errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
        errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
        errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
        errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
        errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http

frontend HTTP_FRONT
    bind        *:9080
    mode                    http
    option                  httplog
    capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
    capture request header UNIQUE_ID len 28
    maxconn                 3000
    default_backend         HTTP_BACK

backend HTTP_BACK
    mode http
    balance hdr(X-Forwarded-For)
    cookie OIGID insert indirect nocache
    option  httpclose
    option                  redispatch
    retries                 3
    timeout queue           1m
    timeout connect         10s
    timeout check           10s
    timeout server          10m
    server  A X.X.X.X:9080 cookie hello1 check
    server  B X.X.X.Y:9080 cookie hello2 check

our version :

 haproxy -vvv
HA-Proxy version 2.0.14-1ppa1~xenial 2020/04/16 - https://haproxy.org/
Build options :
  TARGET  = linux-glibc
  CPU     = generic
  CC      = gcc
  CFLAGS  = -O2 -g -O2 -fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat
-Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fwrapv
-Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter
-Wno-old-style-declaration -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wno-clobbered
-Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wtype-limits


Default settings :
  bufsize = 16384, maxrewrite = 1024, maxpollevents = 200

Built with multi-threading support (MAX_THREADS=64, default=1).
Built with OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
Running on OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
OpenSSL library supports TLS extensions : yes
OpenSSL library supports SNI : yes
OpenSSL library supports : TLSv1.0 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
Built with Lua version : Lua 5.3.1
Built with network namespace support.
Built with transparent proxy support using: IP_TRANSPARENT IPV6_TRANSPARENT
Built with zlib version : 1.2.8
Running on zlib version : 1.2.8
Compression algorithms supported : identity("identity"),
deflate("deflate"), raw-deflate("deflate"), gzip("gzip")
Built with PCRE2 version : 10.21 2016-01-12
PCRE2 library supports JIT : yes
Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
Built with the Prometheus exporter as a service

Available polling systems :
      epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
       poll : pref=200,  test result OK
     select : pref=150,  test result OK
Total: 3 (3 usable), will use epoll.

Available multiplexer protocols :
(protocols marked as <default> cannot be specified using 'proto' keyword)
              h2 : mode=HTX        side=FE|BE     mux=H2
              h2 : mode=HTTP       side=FE        mux=H2
       <default> : mode=HTX        side=FE|BE     mux=H1
       <default> : mode=TCP|HTTP   side=FE|BE     mux=PASS

Available services :

Available filters :
        [SPOE] spoe
        [COMP] compression
        [CACHE] cache
        [TRACE] trace

hope anyone can give me some pointers on where to look.

thank you!

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