
This is my first message here, so: hi everyone :)
And thanks to everyone involved in the Haproxy project !

I wanted to give an idea of a (minor) better default that should be improved:
=> enable by default the "post-41" parameter in *mysql-check*

Today, it's off by default, so Haproxy is using the "very very old"
authentication method (before MySQL 4.1) to do the health-checks.
But since MySQL 4.1 is now *16* years old (stable in 2004), we are
fairly sure that all new installations of Haproxy will certainly be
used with a "recent-enough" (>= 4.1) mysql version that supports the
new protocol.

NB: of course, I know it's a breaking-change, so it needs to be
properly packaged in the right version.

For the anecdote, I'm writing this email because of:

1) What happened to me today: I was debugging a slightly complex (but
temporary) setup of an Haproxy being in front of MaxScale proxies
(mysql-specialized L7 LB) which are themself forwarding to mysql
And the haproxy had "Layer7 wrong status: #08S01Bad handshake" errors.
After some hours of tests, I understood that my Haproxy was doing its
health-checks using the default config, so "very-old auth protocol",
but MaxScale only accepts the "new" protocol. It worked properly after
enabling the "post-41" option :)
If Haproxy had the "post-41" option enabled by default, I wouldn't
have had the issue.

2) The HAProxyConf 2019 Keynote in which Willy T. talked about "Better
defaults" that I saw a few months ago. Because I kinda recognized my
issue as a (fairly minor) example of such "usability tests".

What do you think ?

Florent R.

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