Hi,   I would like to setup a reverse proxy with SSL termination to allow 
something like :   https://front1.domain proxying http://back1.otherdomain:8000 
(and maybe one day back2) https://front2.domain proxying 
http://back3.otherdomain:5000 Common things I already configured using Apache's 
mod_proxy.   I am not an HAProxy expert, I only used it in tcp mode for simple 
and efficient load balancing.   I have read this very interresting article 
but it seems directives belong to former versions, and I was not able to get 
the expected result.   One of my important use-case is Apache backends hosting 
WordPress. There are numerous examples here and there, but I always end with 
URLs like https://front1.domain/wp-admin redirected to 
http://front1.domain:8000/wp-admin or https://back1.otherdomain:8000/wp-admin 
aso ... I know WP is redirecting to URLs related to it's configured URLs , so I 
guess some headers rewriting are required, but I don't know how to do that.   I 
am looking for a generic way to perform the required rewrites, without 
depending on fixed URL patterns. Is it only possible with HAProxy ? Some very 
old posts suggested it was not, but there were from around nine years ago.   I 
have not been able to find answers so far (some search results show appealing 
descriptions but sites are not responding) so I am looking for some help here.  

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