On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 10:50:11AM +0300, Valters Jansons wrote:
> > > term "official" maybe treated as "ubuntu official" or "haproxy official".
> > > while "ubuntu official" are indeed slow, vbernat PPA is considered as
> > > "haproxy official".
> >
> > I agree, that's what I was about to add as well. In addition, since he's
> > also the distro's official maintainer, this should be sufficient to
> > reassure internal managers who want to use "official packages": Vincent's
> > builds are the only channel providing timely updates directly from the
> > distro's maintainer.
> >
> > There are extremely few packages that have this luxury, so do not hesitate
> > and make use of it, like almost everyone else! You'll have less risks of
> > mistakes than by doing it yourself, you'll benefit from latest fixes, and
> > even possibly from workarounds should any dirty issue be discovered at
> > any time.
> It was not intended to be disrespectful.

Rest assured that nothing you said was perceived as disrespectful!

> I do recognize the important work that is done by ~vbernat, as we also
> use the PPA by him. My comment for that reason explicitly stated
> "Official Ubuntu repositories" intending to refer to Ubuntu central
> ones.

I wanted to mention that having a foot in both worlds, you can easily
use that as an argument to internally "sell" his packages, as he will
be the one providing both the "ubuntu official" ones and the ones with
all known bugs fixed. You know, the classical "he knows better than us
what he's doing" :-)

> Sorry for the potential confusion.

Do not worry there was no confusion. We were just trying to provide you
with good arguments to convince your boss of the best solution for you.


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