
On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 12:23:15 +0200
spfma.t...@e.mail.fr wrote:

> Hi,   I have a problem to solve : I never paid attention to the fact HAProxy
> (2.5.1-86b093a) did not return HTTP headers in the reponses, because there
> was no complaints so far. But now we got one, because of an old application
> which needs at least "Content-Type" as some tests are performed before
> generating the content.   If the devs don't fix it, I will have to find a
> solution on the load balancer side.   The LB is serving content from a Tomcat
> server, wich is returning plenty of headers.   So is there a way to add them
> in the response, like some "pass thru" ?   I was not able to find useful
> informations so far, maybe because I don't know what concepts and directives
> are involved.   As a very dumb and primitive test, I have added
> "http-response add-header Content-Type 'text/html'" at both FE and BE level,
> but the header is still not shown.   Thanks for any help.   Regards 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FreeMail powered by mail.fr

Pleaese can you try to update HAProxy as there are ~150 Fixes in the latest
2.5. https://www.haproxy.org/bugs/bugs-2.5.1.html or try to use the latest
shiny 2.6 :-)

Can you share your current config.

Maybe the "http-after-response" could help in your case, but it's just a guess.


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