Le 10/17/22 à 16:15, William Dauchy a écrit :

I am trying to clarify in which case a tcp connection might be closed
following those rules:
- http-request return
- http-request deny
unless I missed something I have not been able to see the answer within the doc.

General context being, we are using `option http-keep-alive`; also our
haproxy is behind another L7 proxy; it means the later do not expect
the connection to be loosely closed.

[cloud L7 LB] <--> [haproxy] <--> backend

 From what I read in
I got:
- `http-request return` gets `HTTP_RULE_RES_ABRT`; this flag leads to
`return_prx_cond`, which is not calling `http_reply_and_close`
- `http-request deny` gets `HTTP_RULE_RES_DENY`; this flag leads to
`deny`, which is calling `http_reply_and_close`

We are using haproxy v2.4.x but I think the behaviour did not change
in an earlier version.

Some followup questions:

- do we confirm `http-request return` does not close the connection
while `http-request deny` does?
- http-request return status 403
- http-request deny
don't have the same behaviour?
- from what I understood, using http-keep-alive does not influence the
behaviour of `http_reply_and_close`, is that correct?
- while using `http-request deny` which might close the connection, we
see some requests on the cloud LB side being ended in error 502. We
suspect those are the next requests, where the cloud LB tried to use
the same previous connection. For now it is hard to understand why the
cloud LB would not detect the close. Is there a moment where haproxy
would loosely close the connection which might explain the behavior?

Thanks in advance,

Hi William,

Since the 2.2, HAProxy responses don't close the client connections in K/A mode, except for 400-Bad-Request and 408-Request-Time-out. It is the behavior with default error messages. Of course, if a "Connection: close" header is found in a custom reply, the client connection is closed.

Thus, in your case, if there is no "Connection: close" header in the response, both http-request action (return and deny) should do the same and keep the client connection alive.

So if you observe connection closing, it may be for something else. Maybe a timeout. Or a bug...

Christopher Faulet

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