Yes, that e2e is probably not going to do nasty things. But it worth a try

On Sun, Sep 17, 2023, 03:26 Valters Jansons <>

> On Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 10:02 PM Илья Шипицин <>
> wrote:
> > I wonder if there're gRPC test tests similar to h2spec (I couldn't findI
> am  them)
> I am not aware of a single binary that could be used as a gRPC test
> for proxies. The closest thing that I can think of is examples from
> official gRPC libraries. Internally, the Go library runs a Bash script
> for CI "Run extra tests" to check the outputs of examples. It can be
> seen at
> and could be adopted for HAProxy, by overriding the client `-addr`
> flag. There are no guarantees that it continues being maintained in
> the current format though.
> ---
> But, gRPC is essentially a framework (binary encoding and custom
> headers) for object-oriented HTTP/2. My observed issue is an HTTP/2
> processing issue by HAProxy, when the frontend client doesn't send an
> END_STREAM flag.
> When I implement a similar scenario in other languages, the failure
> rate is much lower. For example, I pushed a custom Java client to
> that I was testing
> with nginx (same HAProxy configuration as my other proof). When this
> request succeeds, however, the session state is reported SD--. The
> gRPC example to me is simply the most reliable failure, as there is
> some timing involved, which I can't seem to yet figure out fully.
> To highlight H2 standard (RFC7540), section 8.1 states "the last frame
> in the sequence bears an END_STREAM flag". It is however never
> clarified if that's a "MUST" or a "SHOULD". The client could be argued
> as non-compliant, assuming it is intended as "MUST". Maybe this is the
> reason why the h2spec project does not cover such a scenario ("who
> would do such a thing").
> What is even more important for this issue though, is the last
> paragraph of the same section:
>    An HTTP response is complete after the server sends -- or the client
>    receives -- a frame with the END_STREAM flag set (including any
>    CONTINUATION frames needed to complete a header block).  A server can
>    send a complete response prior to the client sending an entire
>    request if the response does not depend on any portion of the request
>    that has not been sent and received.  When this is true, a server MAY
>    request that the client abort transmission of a request without error
>    by sending a RST_STREAM with an error code of NO_ERROR after sending
>    a complete response (i.e., a frame with the END_STREAM flag).
>    Clients MUST NOT discard responses as a result of receiving such a
>    RST_STREAM, though clients can always discard responses at their
>    discretion for other reasons.
> To paraphrase, when the backend server sends END_STREAM, the response
> is complete and the server is not interested in the request data
> anymore. The END_STREAM is a success in the eyes of the H2 spec, and
> "clients MUST NOT discard responses as a result" (that is - HAProxy is
> expected to send the response to client when END_STREAM). HAProxy
> should not treat it as an abrupt close. When the backend server sends
> RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) to abort the connection, HAProxy must simply stop
> sending data to the backend server.
> I understand there is some complexity with the mux, and tieing H1 into
> it. But the H2 spec says the exchange is successful, and the observed
> half-close is okay.
> Best regards,
> Valters Jansons

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