Hi Lokesh, Abhijeet, Alex,

First, thanks for jumping into this thread, the purpose of the
deprecation is in a big part to try to collect the requirements
of possibly existing users. Mind you that the rare times we hear
about SPOE is only because of problems, so it's difficult to figure
what to keep and what to cut from the existing design.

More on that below:

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 05:15:14PM +0000, Lokesh Jindal wrote:
> Hey Christopher
> Adding to what my colleague, Abhijeet, said.
>   1.  We plan to ramp traffic to HAProxy very soon where we will heavily rely
>   on SPOA. In our testing, we are satisfied with SPOE in terms of
>   performance. The flexibility to write SPOA in any language not only allows
>   us to handle "complex use cases" like connecting to non-http downstreams,
>   but also helps in observability - metrics and logging.

Interesting, the initial internal e-mail in 2016 that ignited the SPOE
design was driven from the same observations: in web environments it's
quite rare to find developers who are at ease with system-level languages,
yet they are the ones most likely to request to extend the proxy. For
this reason we wanted to offer the possibility to call code written in
other languages. In addition it was estimated that the ability to connect
to the agent over the network and using secure connections was absolutely
essential. It brings the ability to scale the processing engine without
adding more LB nodes, and even to offload that to another DC, infrastructure
or even to delegate it to a 3rd party.

Among the use cases which immediately came to mind were authentication,
database accesses, name resolution, "remote maps", request classification,
IP reputation, etc. In addition we thought that limiting ourselves to short
request/responses like this was probably limiting and that it would have
been useful to support streaming so that we could implement image
recompression, caching, WAFs etc.

The first PoC implementation that was merged in version 1.7 lacked the
streaming abilities, and it's still the current implementation. It took
a while before we received feedback on it, since then caching was
implemented, the demand for image recompression is close to non-existing,
and WAFs users have well accommodated to dealing with extra layers by now
it seems. So basically we're left with something ultra-complex that deals
with short request-responses most of the time, and that suffers from the
initial design which was way bigger than the use cases.

>   2.  What is the best alternative to SPOE?

I don't know yet, and the purpose of this deprecation precisely is to
engage discussion with users. One could think about various HTTP-based
protocols for which it is easier to implement a server, some gRPC maybe,
possibly even a stripped-down version of the SPOP protocol if we figure
that everyone is running on a reasonable subset that's much easier to
deal with than the whole stuff we have now.

> Two options that we are aware of
>   - Write fetchers/converters in lua or write filters in other languages
>   using the Lua API. In your experience, how do they compare to SPOE in terms
>   of:
>      *   Performance
>      *   Fault isolation

The benefits of SPOE as you've found, clearly are in terms of flexibility
as it allows to scale the number of analysers independently on the number
of LBs, and it almost makes problems almost unnoticeable. For example, if
your code relied on unstable 3rd party libraries, crashing your SPOA doesn't
bring down the whole proxy. Similarly in terms of added latency, all the
latency is in the external component, the rest of the traffic is not
affected as it would be by placing some heavy processing directly inside
the haproxy process.

>   3.  As Abhijeet said, can you share a list of issues with SPOE that make it
>   hard to maintain?

On the top of my head I can enumerate a few:

  - the load balancing is integraly reimplemented at the SPOE level
    between applets

  - the load balancing is affected by the support of response-less
    messages, which prevent haproxy from having an estimate of the
    server's load, which means that an algo such as leastconn would
    not make sense in such a condition

  - the idle connections management is integraly reimplemented at
    the SPOE level using applets as well. An idle SPOE connection is
    in fact a full application-layer stream with one applet on one
    side and a connection on the other side. These cannot be migrated
    between threads, which require even more complex stream-to-stream
    thread-safe communication mechanisms and synchronisation.

  - it's possible to receive a response on a different connection
    than the one that saw the request. This adds complexity in the
    matching request lookup, needs for extra synchronisation so that
    the other stream doesn't vanish while we're delivering the
    reponse, and it also makes it harder to keep track of the number
    of in-flight requests. Some "hacks" were developed so that a
    server doesn't try to respond over a connection from another
    process or thread (by naming the connections) but that further
    adds complexity on both sides.

  - the protocol supports pipelining without having an idea of the
    servers' load nor the number of outstanding requests since it's
    not mandatory to respond, so the default use case is to flood
    a given connection. But if you don't do that you can end up with
    tons of connections to the servers and it's difficult to decide
    how many to use. There are many hard-coded heuristics that were
    implemented based on feedback from production deployments that
    were experiencing difficulties.

  - these "idle" connections cannot be easily shrunk when FDs are
    missing, yet it's difficult to consider them when enforcing
    resource limits since their number will depend on the apparent
    server load.

I'm sure there are other ones, but to be honest, the SPOE design
pre-dates the shared idle conns and threads support, and when such
features appeared, it didn't appear really feasible to retrofit them
into that, so since it was merged, it has only been source of more
suffering for the maintainers. I just made the exercise of classifying
the commits affecting the subsystem since 1.7 between "DEV" (non-bug)
and "BUG":
                  DEV    BUG
  v1.7.0..v1.8.0  29      6
  v1.8.0..v2.0.0  23     25
  v2.0.0..v2.2.0   3      7
  v2.2.0..v2.4.0   4      5
  v2.4.0..v2.6.0   4      4
  v2.6.0..v2.8.0   3      5
  v2.8.0..master   0      4

It's pretty obvious that the dev finished in 1.8 with the addition of
fragmentation/pipelining and I don't remember what, and after that it
has essentially been bugs.

> Be it SPOE or an alternate solution that allows us to handle complex use
> cases with good performance, fault isolation (as much as possible) and
> observability, we will be happy to help develop/maintain it.

That's the purpose of this discussion. I'm pretty sure that we need to
just give up on the original streaming idea. Let's face it, there are
no users, and it adds some tremendous complexity everywhere, including
at the config level where it's hard to express rules that would apply
to the input or output traffic. But once we can figure what's used and
what's not used, what users like and what they don't like, it will be
easier to design something that suits everyone's needs better.

I don't want to remove the feature before we have an alternative and
as long as users are in need for it. But marking it as deprecated will
at least encourage users to ask about alternate option and jump into
the design discussion before they start to implement code for something
that might disappear.

I tend to think that something HTTP-based could possibly be easier to
implement on the server side in various languages (Python, Go, NodeJS
and whatever else). It would automatically benefit from our native and
fast support for shared idle connections, queuing with maxconn, ability
to use existing LB algorithms etc. But maybe HTTP is not the panacea
and other solutions are better. Maybe some other mechanism exist and
are quite popular among some communities, I don't know.

Can you tell us for example if your agents are using pipelining,
fragmentation, the ability to respond on another connection, or if
they're consuming data without ever responding ? Just this would already
be a good start.


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